HMS Thermo-Moldable Hoof Pads Medium

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Brand HMS
547 Offers No

Medium size 200 x 200mm

Shapes up to follow the contours of the sole and frog providing protection, support and comfort. 

How to use: 

  1. Pour boiling water on one pad in a bucket 
  2. Leave pad in hot water (over 70 degrees) for approx one minute 
  3. Carefully remove the pad and shape to the hoof 
  4. Trim the pad to shape if necessary 
  5. Within 3-4 minutes, the pad will be firm and ready to either glue in place or to be nailed in place under a shoe 
  6. Apply dressing, silicones or other material under the pad before fixing in place if necessary 

Very versatile and useful pads. 

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