HMS Hoofcast 3" Roll

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Brand HMS
Width 3" (75mm)
547 Offers No

Hoof cast is a versatile, hoof cast system which is simple to apply yet very effective.

Applied in a similar way as you would a regular hoof bandage, Hoof Cast sets hard within minutes with the finished result similar to a cast applied with human broken bones.

Hoof Cast can be applied within minutes by vets, farriers or horse owners for:

  • Adding a temporary hoof dressing for foot injuries
  • Providing comfort to tender footed horses (or those transitioning to barefoot)
  • Support to the hoof wall in laminitic and founder cases
  • The repair of poor or damaged hoof wall
  • To keep a loose shoe in place in an emergency
  • Temporary protection to the hoof when a shoe is lost (to get you home!)

Hoof Cast can be used on a barefoot horse, under a shoe (the farrier can nail through it) or over a shoe to help hold the shoe in place. Hoof Cast has many uses!

One roll per hoof is required and available in 2" (50mm), 3" (75mm) and 4" (100mm) widths.

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